HOW FORTUITOUS That The Little Country Church of Hollywood burned to the ground on Christmas Eve!
...What, with The New Yorkers' "reviving" poor Alexander Pantages' Pre-Depression Plans and "New Yorky-fian" "out West" (and incidentally rendering one of Hollywood's five, 70 year old-plus Landmark Movie Palaces utterly unrecognizable-or is it "Uter-McKinley-cognizable?")...
Now neither the Nederlanders NOR the Grant Parking gangs will have to argue over where to park the bulldozers during the months long pre-defilement (I don't count the offical moment of defilement's begining until the people that would gaze upon me with a mixture of paternal pity and PROFOUND elitist disgust, 8 years ago if I told them where I lived, but now disgusted with NOTHING but the thought that peasants like me and our Rent Control is interfering with their new "enlightened" "discovery" of the "quaint" old "historic" neighborhood...start moving into their Million Dollar condo's 7 stories atop the tallest Art Deco Indian Statue...Well, Cyrus Had His Pig in the Old City...)
So, from the Times Square Tower Lair to the Las Palmas Avenue Bunker...peace on earth will reign!
And isn't that the REAL spirit of Christmas?
(P.S.....Judging from this lovely "Artists Rendering" of the fulfilling of Alexander Pantages' Dying Wish...I must ask, if it be not TOO bold, what exactly they are planning on doing with the Equitable Building? I suppose someone "just moving in" wouldn't notice, but I can hardly recognize the neighborhood supposedly depicted in the "rendering," what with large and noticable Chunks just "sketched out...")